Why? Your stupid pointless rant was more entertaining then anything he said!
By the way, do you remember the 1993 bombing of the WTC by Islamic Extremists?
Do you remember the Embassy Bombings in Kenya in 1998 that were carried out by Al Queada? Leading Bill Clinton to take a break from his scandals to launch cruise missiles into Osama's Afghanistan Training Camps?
Or how about the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000? Or the failed bombing attempt on the USS the Sullivans?
Don't fucking kid yourself, don't fucking lie to yourself in your fucking mind. The Islamo-fascists are not interested in peace, they are interested in spreading their hate filled religion and getting themselves into power.
That is what they care about.
That is why they talk cease-fire and peace talks with Israel, and then start firing missiles into it and cry foul when someone dares to hit them back.
But most people in America are everything that they say we are 'fat, lazy, and ignorant' and we don't fucking care how much shit they blow up, or how many people they fucking kill, as long as it doesn't interrupt our fucking lives!
'The Puppet Show is fine! Because no one I care about was killed! No one cares if they kill a puppet Bush!'
But Bush represents America to them, by killing him? They teach a whole new generation it is okay to kill us, and we don't care because there was only one major attack on us in fifty years, right? There was only one 9/11 right?
Oh, and they didn't kill Muhammad in that fucking cartoon. They made his turban into a fucking bong, and the Muslims went on a fucking rampage and killed how many people this time?
Fuck those people, and fuck their enablers.
And fuck the stupidest of all statements!
'By accusing Muslims of being terrorists, you make moderate Muslims become terrorists!'
What? What? That's fucking stupid! That'd be like me saying...
'By accusing all white people of being racist, you make more less racist white people become nazis!'
Or if I said, 'By accusing all fucking black dudes of stealing cars, I make more black dudes steal cars!'
Or if I said, 'All Catholics are pedophiles, that makes more catholics who aren't pedophiles become pedophiles!'
Fuck! Wake up people! Wake the fuck up!