Post by Jake Seven on May 5, 2008 2:18:49 GMT -5
...can I just say wow?
Oh yes, lets elect the President who promises to nuke a nation before they even did anything. That helps smooth things over before an election.
Guess I'll be voting for Obama even more now. And stand by my guns that if Clinton wins the nomination, voting for McCain.
Thats just uncalled for in my opinion. To claim you're going to "totally obliterate" a country because its world leaders decide to "attack" another country.
How fair would it be if someone dropped a nuke on us for attacking Iraq? Oh we'd call foul. Fucking moronic bullshit.
Post by Kyle Heaven on May 5, 2008 5:45:33 GMT -5
she SERIOUSLY said that
man am i glad i don't live there!
Post by Xpress Success on May 5, 2008 6:13:33 GMT -5
Yes Kyle, SRSLY she said that. I read about it on Digg.com a few days back now, and found it to be a very strong stance for her to take. Might make Republican voters hate her a little less though, given Obama is still trying to exploit all that liberal white guilt and sell a bogus utopian pipe-dream to an unsuspecting public.
Post by Kyle Heaven on May 5, 2008 9:15:08 GMT -5
clinton endorsed
Post by Anthony Jordan on May 5, 2008 14:28:52 GMT -5
Of course if the Jews get attacked, Clinton is on it.
Post by donzig on May 6, 2008 0:52:39 GMT -5
Children, children, children.
And I do mean children, you do realize in the Muslim Utopia of Iran where they are trying to make nuclear weapons in defiance of the rest of the world and international treaty, their president rants and raves about burying the United States and Isreal everyday, and he bans western words like 'pizza' that they are not wanting to play nice?
Of course, if their leaders lead them to attack another country we shouldn't declare war on them. What the fuck? So what? We should have let the Nazis slide in WW2? Or maybe Japan?
Hell, I guess I was totally wrong on Korea too.
So where should we draw the line? Wait until Iran nukes the shit out of Isreal and invades Saudi Arabia?
Wait until they attack India or Russia?
Fuck that shit.
By the way, and if I am forced to mention this one more goddamned time.
At the end of the Operation: Desert Storm, there was an international treaty and ceasefire signed by the representatives of Iraq and the Coalition allies. Iraq did not honor the terms of the ceasefire, in fact they did not honor the fucking terms of the ceasefire for about....
Oh, I'd say 12 fucking years!
So fuck the First Bush Admin for not dealing with it, fuck Clinton for not dealing with it, and surprise, surprise, fucking surprise fuck the rest of the world for not dealing with it.
Look at me, ignoring the guy laughing in all of our faces killing our people, and giving money to the families of terrorists attacking Israel, and pissing on the treaty we all signed.
Look at me ignoring how many soldiers and civilians died because I don't want to trouble myself by getting negative ratings in the polls if I invade Iraq and enforce international law!
Fuck that!
That's stupid, that's how World War 2 started, because no one could be troubled to enforce the fucking Treaty of Versailles.
'Let's let the Nazis make tanks and re-arm their military, they seem like nice guys who just want to protect their borders, they would never invade France.'
That's fucking stupid!
Post by donzig on May 6, 2008 0:54:02 GMT -5
By the way if you are a guy who likes cock in Iran?
They fucking kill you.
Government sponsored execution of homosexuals, kind of makes you wonder why they bitch so much here in America.
Post by donzig on May 6, 2008 0:57:16 GMT -5
'Unhelpful' language?
Maybe Obama can send his minister over to talk with them, I here he likes talking to muslims who fucking hate everyone else, and dictators.
Unhelpful language, I know let's tax everyone and send them some protection (foreign aid/peace incentive) money, because that is much better then taxing them to actually defend them and protect their goddamned interests!
Post by Jake Seven on May 6, 2008 1:18:08 GMT -5
Im still against world war three thanks. They can nuke Israel all they want. Better them than us. What would nuking Iran back do? Start world war three one way or the other. So shy not world war two it, and ignore the world until we can longer.
Post by Xpress Success on May 6, 2008 1:58:59 GMT -5
Before anyone bothers continuing about the Middle East situation, I urge you all to watch a BBC News program called the Doha Debates. Basically in each debate, a premise is put forth. Then you'll have your "For" and "Against" teams, with the audience putting forth some questions in addition to those from the chair. Then, the audience vote on the premise. Simple format, but you get a much more balanced view on what's going on in the Middle East as opposed to if you just rely on what a few Western journalists have to say to formulate your opinion.
Post by donzig on May 6, 2008 9:17:12 GMT -5
CJ did you happen to go retarded?
You see if they happened to nuke Israel, it would in fact start WW3 because the allies of Israel will be obligated to nuke Iran.
You like many Americans (mainly Ron Paul supporters) seem to live in this fantasy world where America can sit back and do nothing and nothing terrible will happen.
Despite the fact that we could have shortened if not stopped WW1 and WW2 merely by giving enough of a fuck to do something.
For example, where do you think the Nazis were coming after they crushed all of Europe?
Oh, yeah.
Post by John Gone on May 6, 2008 13:39:03 GMT -5
CJ did you happen to go retarded? Go?
Post by Anthony Jordan on May 6, 2008 18:59:47 GMT -5
I like Donzig's foreign policy.
Israel is one of our few allies in that area. An attack on them almost is an attack on us for the fact that once Israel is down for the count, the attackers are coming this way. The oceans just aren't the buffers they used to be. We aren't as safe as people think we are.
Post by Xpress Success on May 7, 2008 4:02:33 GMT -5
There would be little, or no, fuss about the Middle East if it wasn't for Israel. Ron Paul was absolutely right to say that America & company have no business butting into that situation, when the focus should be on Afghanistan, and possibly Iran. The main reason why many people in the Middle East despise America is because your government seems to enjoy sticking their nose into issues which are none of their concern. Israel is one of them. If they want to continue causing unrest, they can suffer the consequences.
Post by donzig on May 7, 2008 8:33:39 GMT -5
I think what you mean to say is....
There would be little or no fuss in the Middle East if they weren't sitting on a large supply of Oil, because you will note until the time the world became overly dependent on their once cheap oil, the Sand Niggers kept their mouths shut and minded their own business.
You know why?
Money and Religion always go hand in hand.