Post by "The EGO" MJW on Apr 18, 2008 17:49:43 GMT -5
The scene opens up outside a grim looking building, the rain is falling and the winds are blowing, things start to look up as "The EGO" MJW walks into view. MJW is dressed in a long brown expensive looking leather coat with a fur lined collar. Interstingly MJ himself is not getting wet, his eyes look up and the camera pans up to show an umbrella which is protecting him from the rain, and to the right a guy dressed in a green rain mack is actually holding the umbrella for "The EGO"
Lets go, time to go inside.
MJ walks forward and the umbrella handler moves swiftly behind, making sure the British Hero does not get drenched.
MJ gets to the front door of the building which is under cover and waits. The umbrella handler shakes the umbrella off and sets it down and then opens the door.
Er, you can wait here, ill be back soon.
MJ ushers the cameras in to follow him as he walks through the door.
MJ walks down a grey hall, he reaches the end and pushes the double doors open. the camera scans around and the large room which is full of arm chairs, and sitting in those arm chairs are elderly people. Some look pretty alert, some are sleeping and others are simply in a daze. MJ steps infront of the camera
Bill! MJW has come here to add something visual for you to take in to help you understand just why i stepped up and called you out to have 'one last match' this sunday at New Beginnings... see Bill, its not because MJW wants to humiliate you, its not because i have a deep hatred for you, its not because i have any long standing issues with you...
...its because MJW wants to make sure you do not make the same mistakes as those before you...
...Bill, you walked out into the ring and announced that you was done with this business, you was walking away never to be seen again!
Well yeah fucking many times have those words come out of the mouths of a professional wrestler? All the damn time! And what happens? Well they do walk away, they try new things and they try to live a life outside of the squared circle...
...and they fail!
So they come back, they make a return...and sure, initially they get the 'comeback pop'...the people jump on the bandwagon and the hype is right up there...
...but soon enough the pop's die down, the hype is not lived up to and eventually the once revered superstar becomes nothing bit an embarassment...
...just ask Mick Foley!
But Bill, i thought more of you than that, MJW did not want to see that happen to you, you derserve better... on Sunday night i will be carrying out a public service, and act of pure selflessness...
...on sunday night Bill, im going to beat you about the arena, im going to bruise you, im going to break you and im going to make you bleed... much so, that just like all these people living behind these grey walls, you wont have the option avaliable to you to make any form of comeback...
...MJW is going to hand you a 'new beginning', your life will be so much more simple, no stress, no worrying about maintaining your status as a superstar and certainly no questioning whether you have one more 'run' left in you, but when you look down at you legs all you will see it 2 useless limbs, when you will them to work the will fail you and you'll know that your decision has already been made for you...
...made for you by the British Hero, there will be no comebacks, no last stands and no disappointments over failed attempts, and you can sit back and spend your free time thinking up a way of showing me the gratitude i will deserve for releaving of years of heartache and failure...
...but you know what Bill, dont worry about it...
...this ones going to be on me!
with that MJ smiles into the camera, taking one last look around the afterlifes waiting room...
...MJ ushers the camera along as he heads out of the door and the scene fades